Lunch Program

Our daycare and preschool classes are members of Georgia's Bright from the Start food program; they are provided with breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack each school day. In addition, we offer hot lunch options for our Academy students. The details for each program are outlined below.


Day Care and Preschool 

As a member of Georgia's Bright from the Start program, we offer healthy meals (breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack) that comply with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) requirements to all enrolled daycare and Pre-K children.

Our menus are updated monthly and utilize fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables. You can view the monthly menu in your child's classroom, in the day care hallway, and on Jupiter Ed. View a sample menu here

Mealtimes for Daycare:

Breakfast: 8:15 am

Lunch: 10:45 am

Mealtimes for Preschool:

Breakfast: 8:30 am

Lunch: 11:00 am

Kindergarten - High School

BBCA offers a hot lunch program using a variety of area restaurants. 

The hot lunch program is optional; students may bring their lunches to school. Microwaves are available to heat food, but for no more than 2 minutes. If a student forgets lunch, we have $5 lunches available for purchase. The fee will be added to the student's lunch account and you will receive a balance due slip with the next week's menu.

Ordering Process 

All lunch orders should be made online using EZ School Apps. Orders must be in by Monday morning. No orders can be placed after 8 am Monday morning.

Drink purchases will not be permitted. Water will be provided by the school. If another beverage is preferred, it may be brought from home.

Credit card payments will be available through EZ School Apps with a processing fee. Cash and check payments for lunch orders must be turned into the office.

Payments to lunch accounts can be made prior to use or weekly accompanying an order. If payment is not sent in, a charge will be placed on the student’s lunch account. The balance must be paid by the next week’s order. There is a $50 cap on lunch balances. If the cap is reached, ordering will be blocked for the lunch account until it is paid in full. All balances must be paid by the end of the school year.

Students who are not here by 9:00 am, and have not notified the office, will have their orders cancelled. The balance will be credited to the student’s account.

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